Listed below are
summaries of projects and articles related to Drake equipment. Some of
the summaries have links to pages containing more information.
one of the
finest tube-style communications receivers ever built by the R.L.Drake
company. The R4A came complete with every filter option available.
Superb selectivity, sensitivity and stability. Suffer only two real
flaws. The power for the transistorized vfo was derived by droping the
voltage from a high voltage regulator. The other problem was the heat
generated by the audio output stage.
Generally accepted as the companion transmitter to the
R4A. The T4X
provides coverage of all bands (even WARC) will work all modes (except
FM) and delivers an output of about 100 watts, more on the lower HF
bands. It is not quite as good as the B or the C version but it does
not fall short by much.
- Repair
notes on the R4A
A list of R4A service problems experienced over a thirty year period.
- A
4-watt Solid State audio amp for the R4A
This is not one of those 'hissy' single chip
power amp
solutions. The
4-watt amp described is built from descrete parts using a printed
circuit board for a professional look. It is a quiet amp. No hiss. No
hum, even at full volume.
- A
Digital Dial for the R4A
This project uses an AADE frequency counter
kit. The
counter and
backlit LCD readout is mounted in place of the, stock analog dial. The
project requires a fair amount of mechanical skill.
- Modifying
the T4X for 6146 Finals
This project is not as difficult as one might expect. It
is also not
needed as long as you have a good supply of sweep tube finals. However,
I suspect that there will still be 6146s around long after the 6JB6s
- A
Fan to cool the T4X final amp cage.
This project mounts a 12 vdc, 3 inch fan on
the back of
the T4X
amplifier cage. The fan is not run at full throttle but enough to
provide positive cooling for the finals. Power for the fan is derived
by rectifying the 12 vac filament power.
This project replaces the stock audio amp with a 4 watt, very low noise, solid state amp, rebuilds the LV power supply with a regulated supply, rebuilds the HV supply to reduce power supply ripple, and adds a TEN-TEC noise limiter.