- This is a
2N5109 broad-band amplifier
An assembly using printed circuit board material to form the circuit and chassis.
- A very simple two wire current interface for ICOM remote control via computer
This interface is housed in a DB-25 connector with a metal shell. Point to point wiring on a scrap of printed circuit board is used to build the circuit. The circuit interfaces a current control loop to standard serial interface to a PC on com1 or com2.
- Conversion of a DX-35 into a DX-60 clone
A heavily modified (trashed) DX-35 is given a new lease on life by converting it to a DX-60 electrical equivalent.
- Heath DX-20 Clone
This is a very nice little MOPA. Copy of the Heath DX-20 design in a much smaller cabinet. Runs an honest 35 watts. Very stable signal up to 20 meters, but a little chirpy above 20 meters.
- Z-Match Antenna Tuner
This antenna tuner is built from plans taken from a very old QST article. This is the original Z-Match. It uses an all-band tank design to tune 80 thru 10 meters and provides a ballanced output without need for a balun. This antenna tuner works well, is efficient, and handles power levels up to 500 watts with the components described.
- Frequency Meter
Not sure why it is called a Frequency Meter. It has no readout except for the dial which is an input, not an output. This thing is a very stable VFO.
- Trans Match
This is one of the higher priced transmission line matching networks. It IS rated at 3KW. Perhaps that justifies its high price.